Walking Calories Burned Calculator

About Walking Calories Burned Calculator

How many calories do you burn from a 1 mile walk?

If you're like most people, you might be curious about how many calories you burn while walking a mile and whether your speed matters, especially if you walk frequently. Your weight and the distance you walk while exercising while walking are the two main elements that affect how many calories you burn. A 180-pound individual will typically burn 100 calories when walking a mile, but a 120-pound person will only burn 65 calories throughout the same distance. You can see below how many calories you burn while walking over different distances, from one mile to the 26.2 mile marathon, depending on your weight and pace.

The majority of folks move forward at a normal rate. This speed is often how you would walk if you were out with a buddy or partner, your dog, or both. When you go for a stroll without trying to walk quickly, you naturally settle into this pace. Find your average weight at the top of the chart and the distance you walked on the left to calculate how many calories you are burning. You can see here how many calories you burn while walking a mile or more.

Your age, height, weight, the length and tempo of your walking activity, as well as other factors, will all affect how many calories you burn. You burn more calories when your weight increases. At a moderate speed (2.5 miles per hour), a 150-lb person will typically burn approximately 100 calories per mile, whereas a 120-lb person will typically burn around 85 calories per mile at the same pace. You can slightly increase your rate of calorie burn. A 120-lb. individual might burn an average of 100 calories per mile while walking at a rate of 3 miles per hour, compared to a 150-lb. person who will typically burn 115 calories per mile.

How to improve your calorie burn while walking?

Other elements, in addition to your weight and pace, can boost the number of calories you burn while walking. Consider adding some gentle hills to your walking path or using a treadmill with an inclination. Consider walking intervals that alternate between times of strong exertion and recovery if you are unable to keep up a quick pace throughout the entirety of your workout. Consider starting off at a 2.0 mph pace. Alternate one minute at a pace of 3.5 to 4.0 mph with one or two minutes at 2.0 mph for the remainder of your walk. Your calorie burn will rise as you spend more time moving around. Even so, it could be challenging for you to fit in longer walking sessions during the workweek. On the weekends, try taking some longer walks.

Hiking or wearing a backpack can also increase your burn. For instance, a 155-pound person expends around 267 calories while walking for an hour at a moderate (3.5 mph) speed on a flat surface. The same person, while carrying a weighted backpack, might burn up to 439 calories per hour while traversing a more difficult terrain. You could even want to incorporate some jogging into your programme once you've mastered walking. Try a walk/jog strategy, in which you warm up by walking and recover by alternating sprints of jogging with walking.

How many calories does 10,000 steps burn?

Walking 10,000 steps burns off around 500 calories, which can be added to your daily calorie allotment since it takes 20 steps to burn one calorie. A typical female should consume 1,800 calories per day, while a typical male should consume 2,200 calories per day. However, the majority of restaurant meals have an average of 700 to 800 calories, so if you eat there twice a day, it's simple to exceed your allotted calorie budget. Balance your workout routine with healthier hawker meals that are 500 calories or less, and stroll your way to a fitter and trimmer you. This will help you maintain your present weight or maybe even drop a few pounds.

How many calories does a 1 hour walk burn?

According to the American Council on Exercise, a 140-pound person would walk for around 7.6 calories each minute. According to that reasoning, despite not knowing the pace or incline, this person would walk for an hour and burn roughly 456 calories. You will undoubtedly burn more calories the longer you walk, and if it's uphill, extra points. Your walking speed and weight will have a significant impact on how many calories you burn over time. Your estimated number of calories burned per hour would be closer to this if it took into consideration your weight and speed.

Walking speed

130 lbs

155 lbs

180 lbs

205 lbs

2.0 mph (casual pace)

117 cal

140 cal

163 cal

185 cal

3.0 mph (moderate pace)

194 cal

232 cal

269 cal

306 cal

3.5 (brisk pace)

224 cal

267 cal

310 cal

353 cal

3.5 uphill (hiking)

354 cal

421 cal

489 cal

557 cal


What is the difference between calories burned while running and walking?

Walking and running both increase calorie expenditure. A 154-pound person would expend around 280 calories walking at a moderate speed for an hour and 590 calories jogging at a pace of 5 miles per hour, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Running burns calories at a different rate than walking does, depending on your pace, weight, and duration. The American Council of Exercise discovered that a 120-pound runner typically expends 11.4 calories each mile. As a result, running a mile in 10 minutes would burn roughly 114 calories. You expend more energy as your weight increases. 17 more calories per minute would be burned if you were closer to 180 pounds. For a mile that takes 10 minutes, this runner would burn 170 calories.

You can lose weight and improve your health by cutting back on calories consumed as well as burning calories when you walk. You can determine how much your daily walk contributes to your weight loss efforts by learning to count calories. You will grow accustomed to the healthy foods you enjoy and how they effect your energy level and waistline as you embrace a better lifestyle. A simple, affordable method of getting the daily required amount of exercise is via walking. Walking can aid in weight loss and improve your health when combined with a balanced diet.