One Rep Max Calculator


Your One-Rep Max (one-rm): ?

95%: ?
90%: ?
85%: ?
80%: ?
75%: ?
70%: ?
65%: ?
60%: ?
55%: ?
50%: ?

About One Rep Max Calculator

What is one rep max?

To determine the largest weight you can lift just once, you must perform the one-repetition maximum test, also known as a one-rep max or 1RM. Or to put it another way, it's the amount of weight you can push, pull, or squat for one rep. Depending on whether you're lifting to increase muscle strength, endurance, hypertrophy, or power, you employ different percentages of your 1RM when creating your resistance training programme. You can calculate your 1RM using multiple-repetition testing as well. If you're lifting alone and don't have someone to spot you, this is a good choice.

One Rep Max Calculator

How do you find your 1-rep max?

Weightlifters, bodybuilders, and powerlifters utilise the one-rep max strength standard to gauge their ability to lift the most weight possible during a single repetition of a particular exercise. For anyone using a strength- or weight-training programme who wants to monitor their progress toward hypertrophy, the one-rep max is a useful statistic. A fitness calculator can be used to calculate your maximum strength level after doing a deadlift, bench press, or squat for a number of repetitions and loading a barbell with the highest weight you can comfortably lift. Although there are a lot of one-rep maximum calculators online, some weightlifters prefer to do the calculations themselves. In that situation, 1RM calculators employ a number of formulas.

  • Brzycki formula: Weight × (36 / (37 – number of reps))
  • Epley formula: Weight × (1 + (0.0333 × number of reps))
  • Lombardi formula: Weight × (number of reps ^ 0.1)
  • O’Conner formula: Weight × (1 + (0.025 × number of reps))

How to test your 1RM?

Select the manoeuvre you want to test (squat, bench press, etc.). Spend at least 15 to 30 minutes warming up with dynamic stretching and modest cardiac exercise. Use a weight that is around half of what you anticipate your maximum to be and perform six to ten repetitions of your selected exercise. Then take a minimum of one to two minutes to relax. Increase the weight by up to 80% of your estimated maximum. After three repetitions, take at least a minute to recover. Rest for at least one to two minutes in between each attempt as you gradually increase the weight by 10% increments and try to complete one rep each time. Your 1RM is the most weight you can successfully lift while using proper form and technique.

Why it is important to know your one rep max?

It is a great way to tell if you are getting stronger or not. In other words, your one-rep max directly correlates with your strength and serves as a rough proxy for muscle growth. However, the relationship between muscle increase and strength isn't ideal and doesn't function well when comparing the development of two different individuals. A person may not necessarily have a bigger chest just because they have a higher one-rep max for the bench press than another because other factors can also affect muscle growth. You can bet your farm that your chest, triceps, and shoulders are bigger also if your previous bench press 1RM was 155 pounds and your current one is 225 pounds. Knowing your 1RM also makes it easier for you to plan your exercises more skillfully. You see, the ideal range for training intensity is between one and three reps shy of failure if your objective is to gain muscle. Going to failure on the majority of your sets prevents you from recovering and making long-term development. Additionally, you shouldn't go too close to failure because this type of training is less helpful for gaining muscle.

How to increase your one rep max?

Consider lifting progressively heavier weights over a period of several weeks in order to gradually work your way up to a larger one-rep max if you're trying to gain muscle and increase it. starting with 70% Start by performing 10-15 reps of a weight that is 70% of your 1RM. Increase to 80%: After becoming accustomed to the first weight, increase it to 80% of your 1RM and train using that weight for 5–10 reps. Spend many weeks working out with this weight. Increase to 90%: When you're ready, perform 3–4 sets of 3–4 reps at 90% of your 1RM. Work on this for a few weeks. Increase to 95%: For two sets of merely 1-3 repetitions, increase the weight to 95% of your 1RM. Use a spotter to help you with this difficult lift to prevent injury. Increase to your 1RM: Once you feel confident performing multiple reps with a weight that is 95 percent of your 1RM, try performing multiple reps at your 1RM. You need to be able to perform one rep of a somewhat greater weight at this stage. When lifting the most weight possible, use a spotter or a personal trainer to help you prevent being hurt.

How much should a 100 pound man bench?

About 90% of the body weight should be able to be pressed by the average man. The formula is broad but straightforward: The average weight you should be able to bench if all other variables are within the range is bodyweight x.90. You may get a rough idea of how much you should be able to bench using this calculation. A lady should be able to push roughly 55% of her body weight on average. Don't yell at the females. It's possible that you can lift far more than that. Your recipe is the same as the one for men: How much you should be able to lift if you are middle-aged and in ordinary physical condition is determined by body weight multiplied by.55.

Knowing your one rep maximum for various exercises can be helpful if you're interested in strength training. According to how many reps you do in a training programme, it can help you determine your present strength, your development, and which weights to add. It's typically preferable to wait at least one training cycle after discovering your one rep maximum before trying again. Try gradually increasing the workload of your workouts in the meantime to get stronger.