Bench Press Calculator


Your One-Rep Max (one-rm): ?

95%: ?
90%: ?
85%: ?
80%: ?
75%: ?
70%: ?
65%: ?
60%: ?
55%: ?
50%: ?

About Bench Press Calculator

What is bench press?

A bench press, commonly referred to as a barbell bench press or a flat bench press, is an upper body weight-training exercise that works all of your muscles. Bench presses are performed while resting on a flat bench with your eyes directly beneath a heavy barbell. With a shoulder-width grip, take hold of the barbell and slowly unrack it. Lift the barbell again after lowering it to the middle of your chest, just above the sternum.

Bench Press Calculator

How to do a bench press?

A regular flat bench can be used in place of a specialised bench press rack if you don't have access to one. Bench presses can also be performed using dumbbells or a barbell. Whichever option you pick, make sure to choose the right weight for you. Lie on the seat just beneath the bar-holding rack. Your eyes should be approximately in line with the uprights of the barbell rack. Your neutral spine is flat on the bench, as are your butt, shoulders, and head. Your feet are flat on the ground and spaced rather widely. Avoid pressing with your shoulders rounded by pulling your shoulder blades back behind you. Use an overhand grip to hold the barbell, keeping your thumbs outside of your closed fist. Your upper arms are positioned such that they are roughly shoulder-width apart and at a 45-degree angle to your body. Locking your elbows, take the barbell down from the rack. As you bring the bar down to your chest, at the nipple line, take a breath. Breathe out as you raise your arms and press the bar towards your chest. Concentrate on the ceiling rather than the bar. Bar should be lowered till it is slightly over your chest. The next bench press will begin from this stance.

What are benefits of bench press?

A compound exercise is a bench press. In contrast to isometric exercises, which entail the static contraction of a muscle without any discernible change in the angle of the joint, compound exercises engage many muscle groups and joints at once. The pectoralis major is the primary muscle used by the bench press, with the shoulders, triceps, biceps, and shoulder joints serving as auxiliary muscles. Increased muscle growth and overall muscle mass can be achieved through resistance training regimens and split-workouts that incorporate strength-training exercises like the bench press. More lean mass will be developed with training regimens that have an emphasis on volume and higher repetitions at 60–80% of one's maximum strength than through lower volume and heavier loads.

Are chest press and bench press same?

The bench press and chest press are two of the most popular weight training exercises, and anyone trying to build upper body strength and endurance will find them to be options. The fundamental distinction between executing a bench press and a chest press is whether free weights or machines are used, which has an impact on range of motion. Compound exercises include the bench press and the chest press. Multiple joints are used during this movement, and multiple muscle groups are engaged. Bench presses and chest presses target the same main muscular groups in your arms, shoulders, and chest.

What is difference between barbell bench press vs dumbbell bench press?

Bench presses using barbells and dumbbells should both be a part of any weightlifter's routine. The bench press with a barbell is excellent because it enables you to raise the largest load possible. It is utilised in powerlifting because of this. With a barbell bench press, you can perform your one rep maximum. You just can't lift as much weight with dumbbells because you have to pick them up off the ground and position them. Additionally, because each arm is independent of the others, additional stability is required, which makes things more challenging. Dumbbells have a number of benefits, one of which is related to stability. You will engage your muscles in a different way with dumbbells, which is ideal for hypertrophy, and you will better target your stabiliser muscles to a greater extent. Dumbbells are fantastic because they provide an even wider range of motion, which contributes to their outstanding muscle activation. They also pose less of a risk when it comes to pushing oneself. Simply put, you can let the dumbbells fall if you don't complete a rep. Overall, it's beneficial to alternate between the two during your training cycles.

How to increase your bench press?

All it takes to increase your bench press at the novice level is practise. You should concentrate on mastering the movement properly and increasing your comfort level when lifting large objects. You achieve this by performing the bench press on a regular basis. For speedy technique and strength improvements while still minimising the danger of overuse injuries, twice a week is a reasonable benchmark. beginning light You may be eager, but things will quickly get difficult. You will have a lot easier time perfecting the technique if you can control yourself throughout the first few weeks of light training. Progressing. The enjoyable part is now. You'll progress in either weights or reps with each workout.

What are variations of the bench press?

To better match your fitness level and objectives, you can execute this exercise in a number of different ways. Avoid lowering the weight so far that the tops of the arms drop below parallel if you have any concerns about the stability of the shoulder joint. This modification lessens stress on the shoulder region even though you might not obtain the full range of motion benefits. Once you have some bench press experience, you can change the grip to target slightly different muscle groups. The utilisation of the pectorals will increase with a little wider grip. The press can also be executed while seated on an inclined bench. The anterior shoulder deltoids are emphasised when lifting from an incline. Another choice is to carry out this exercise on a decline bench, which highlights the pectoralis major more clearly. You perform a decline bench press in the same manner as a regular bench press, just from a squatted position.